15 ene 2012

(xi) stackoverflow perl report

This is the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
Between brackets: question score & answers count
Built date: 2012/01/15 07:22:38 GMT

  1. How to produce range with step in Perl? - [12/4]
  2. How can I attach a debugger to a running Perl process? - [12/1]
  3. I want to sort array of arrays in Perl, but the result is not sorted - [10/5]
  4. Perl: Sort characters within a string - [8/4]
  5. Does MooseX::Declare require the '{' to be on the same line as 'method'? - [5/1]
  6. Perl operator: $|++; dollar sign pipe plus plus - [4/3]
  7. converting html to text with perl - [4/1]
  8. How do you get multiple arguments in Perl functions? - [4/2]
  9. MooseX::Declare how can I return an ArrayRef from an attribute default method? - [4/1]
  10. How to find open global filehandles in a perl program - [4/5]

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